2024 WICMA Nominations

Frequently Asked Questions

What you need to qualify as a WICMA winner?

WICMAs are awarded to women who meet the following criteria: 

  • Her primary area of professional focus is in the content marketing space

  • She produces or oversees content marketing for a brand, agency, organization, or publisher OR is a recognized thought leader in the content marketing industry

How does a WICMA winner stand out from her peers?

A WICMA winner stands out from her peers when she has done outstanding work in content marketing, including any or all of the following:

  • Helping a brand, organization, or her own client establish or significantly grow their presence/awareness or reach specific business objectives through content marketing

  • Leading or making a meaningful contribution to a noteworthy content campaign

  • Pioneering new ways to create or measure the success of branded content

  • Inspiring or supporting others to become more successful content marketers (specific examples encouraged)

  • Supporting junior content marketers to help them build their careers in the content marketing industry

  • Mentoring or leading a team of others to grow and achieve excellence in the content marketing space

Can I nominate someone other than myself?

You may nominate as many women in content marketing as you feel fit the criteria.

  • Please fill out a separate nomination form for each woman you’re entering, indicating which award you’d like them to be considered for.

  • Review all of the nomination criteria carefully before completing and submitting the form. Additional entries for the same nominee by the same person will not be considered.

If more than one person has nominated a woman, both nomination forms will be combined for review.

What if someone is not fit for their nominated category?

Judges may choose to move an application to a different award category during the deliberation process.

Any secrets to an excellent nomination packet?

Though it is not a requirement, we highly recommend that your nomination packet includes…

  • Clear and specific metrics that will demonstrate how the nominee achieved growth or success for her brand or clients—our judges really like supporting data!

  • Examples of content campaigns or programming that the nominee has helped bring to life in the past one or two years.

If you are nominating someone else, we suggest reaching out to that person to ask for details, supporting materials, and metrics. Unfortunately, nomination packets without a lot of information don’t tend to do well—even if that person is a content superstar!

Nominations for the 2024 Women in Content Marketing Awards are officially closed.

Finalists will be announced in October.